Using the Internet Less and Removing Your Presence
Social media fights are exhausting
Few of us have come to the point in our lives where we don’t feel like using the internet. Something so revolutionary can’t possibly become boring… right? Or maybe it’s not boring per say, but it’s actually a waste of time and emotional energy. Social media websites constantly deliver negativity to our faces and for some reason or another we keep on reading. Social media is often an abusive relationship, especially if you like to interact with other users. There’s always someone looking to argue and make themselves feel validated. If you’re being attacked on the internet by strangers or people you know in real life that don’t like you, it’s time to erase yourself from the internet and live life offline.
There was a time before people were constantly using the internet – if you are old enough to remember, then congratulations, those were simpler times. If you’re young and engaged in social media conflicts every day, then it’s time for you to put down the phone and go have some fun outside. There’s nothing wrong with *not* using the internet. Telecommunication and technology companies have convinced everyone that tech and 4G-LTE is a winning combination to happiness. But having a direct line to virtual bubble of people who just want to vent anger was never the internet’s original intent. Sadly, that’s the digital world many of us live in.
Turn off notifications, turn on airplane mode
Go to your notifications settings and turn every app’s notifications off. You’ll find that this takes some time. You might even be looking at apps that you rarely use but always spam you with notifications (strongly consider uninstalling these apps). These notifications are pop-up ads from the 1990’s, but reskinned into smartphone alerts.
Every app asks permission to allow notifications. Every time you should say no. Your phone constantly notifies you of useless stuff all day long. The fewer apps that notify you, the less need you’ll feel to constantly check. What important information could a free-to-use app need to notify you about? Usually free-to-play apps notify you about two things: One, the in-game currency is on sale, or two, a prompt to get you to play some more. Communication apps you can probably turn on notifications for, especially the ones you use regularly. Other than that, “less is more,” as the saying goes.
Turning off and on your phone is too much of a hassle in today’s breakneck world. Therefore, airplane mode is a healthy alternative to cut you off instantly from the internet. If you find yourself at work or in class wasting too much time on your phone, use airplane mode and put your phone in your bag. You’ll be able to focus and get a lot more done. Smartphones require a lot of attention, and it’s hard to multi-task while you’re looking at one. Something about the bright glow, vibrations, sounds, and colors suck us into using smartphones. The outside world is pretty vibrant though – getting some fresh air isn’t the worst idea.
Cleaning up and moving on
Wiperts can help you transition your lifestyle away from the internet. Realistically, quitting the internet cold turkey like alcohol isn’t going to be feasible in the digital era. It just doesn’t make sense. Vital things rely on the internet to operate, however, that doesn’t mean that we need to be glued to our screens. “Moderation with all things” is an old saying for a reason. Keeping screen time to modest levels and spending quality time with people you care about will increase your happiness. Let Wiperts take care of removing your presence from the internet as you rest your weary eyes from the blazing infernos of social media.
Maybe you don’t want to delete your entire social media account in one fell swoop. But you can delete inciting things that have caused others to get angry at you. Removing your most infamous posts from the internet will let things cool off. Even if someone takes a screenshot of what you posted, deleting it means something. Some things can’t be taken back after being said, but deleting it and letting people forget is the next best thing. Wiperts knows how to remove your personal information from Google, Facebook, and many other websites. Don’t let the internet interfere with your life. The internet was designed to make your life easier, not harder. Contact Wiperts today and remove your presence from the minds of angry people. You won’t regret it.