Australia Says Goodbye to Privacy
In a quiet storm, Australia’s government has taken away privacy rights
The Australian government has new founded spying powers, but can it protect the data it obtains? This question doesn’t only apply to Australia – if you take a look at America and other countries that have whittled away privacy rights, you’ll see some disturbing similarities. And it doesn’t help that government-related data breaches are (probably) underreported due to the uncomfortably close relationship between news corporations and governments. Cyber criminals will go after easy targets, whether it’s the government or you. Protect yourself by keeping your information off the internet as much as possible with a service like Wiperts.
If governments demanded access to our homes without a warrant, we would be up in arms and fighting back. But when it comes to our increasingly important technology, we seem to be far more willing to part with our digital belongings. This should not be the case. Privacy, whether digital or physical should be respected. You don’t want your personal information taken by a government entity that won’t take responsibility for keeping your information safe. With so many potential sources for your personal information to leak out on to the internet, it should be no surprise that your personal information is probably out there for criminals to collect.
As more governments pass laws to collect massive amounts of data, criminals eagerly search for loopholes in order to exploit the data. Criminals who successfully hack the government have leverage when caught – they’ll keep their mouth shut for a better plea bargain in exchange for not telling anyone how pathetically weak government network security is. This is all hypothetical of course, but would you really be surprised that governments, along with other billion-dollar corporations, are under attack by sophisticated cyber criminals? For the sake of safety and security, governments urge us to give up privacy, but what can we do when governments can’t keep our data safe and secure?
Wiperts can help clean up data breaches whether it’s from government servers or corporate servers. We specialize in keeping your sensitive info in your control. Search engines have been getting somewhat better at preventing search results with personal information from appearing, but more often than not, private information shows up when it should not. Identity fraud is a big problem and costs people billions of dollars each year. There is no sign of identity fraud slowing down because the fundamental laws have not been changed in order to address the issues. You’re left to fend for yourself in this digital economy.
Australians demand healthcare privacy, crashing servers
Funny thing, it turns out that Australians like privacy just like most of the western world. When a government mandated healthcare information enrollment project began, citizens immediately flooded all lines of communication in order to opt-out of this unholy marriage of government and private information. Under the guise of life saving information sharing, the government spent 17-years and $2 billion dollars rolling out this program. Problem is, that hospitals are routinely hacked and personal information leaks out all over the place. The government rolled this program out despite recent hospital network breaches and network security audits.
Previously, it was optional to opt-into the government healthcare information sharing network and people had to manually opt-in. Now, people have to forcibly opt-out. There are about 5.9 million patients voluntarily opted-in before the automatic enrollment, but expect those number to be forcibly cranked up. Before the government customer service center crashed, only about 20,000 citizens successfully opted-out. You’re optimistic if you think the government will fix the customer service center and let more people opt-out. Other than cyber criminals, people are justly afraid that the government and healthcare companies sometime down the line will share information, increasing costs of medical care for certain individuals.
The thing about the internet is that it is global. Whether you live in Australia or not, your information can be stolen and used anywhere on the internet. There are plenty of international websites that are more than happy to accept payments from across the world and receive extra payment for international shipping. It’s nearly impossible to get a foreign government to go after a criminal in their country. In America, you’d be very lucky to get a federal prosecutor to pick up the phone for cybercrimes that cross state lines.
Sometimes you just need a third-party to help you keep your privacy safe in the event of a data breach. is here to help you, wherever you are in the world, keep your personal information private. Freedom is telling the government and corporations to respect your privacy. When they violate your right to freedom and spill your contact info on the web, you shouldn’t depend on them to clean up their mess. They should – but most likely they won’t. That’s why Wiperts exists – to help you fight back against sloppy networks and organizations. Take back your privacy today by contacting Wiperts.