Even if Facebook Shutters, Your Privacy is Still at Risk
Users complain but the company is too big to fail… right? It’s a timeless story of corporate juggernauts who think they can do no wrong. People used to joke that Facebook would become the new Myspace, and it seems that time is approaching. But what happens when a corporation leaks out massive amounts of data and then closes shop? The leaked data certainly won’t be cleaned up by a bankrupted company, that’s for sure. Unlike oil spills or other physical catastrophes, the government doesn’t ever pick up the tab for cyber related damages.
The trillion-dollar digital world still seems to be an ethereal thing to the government – an abstract and mystical thing that has no relation to the real world. Even though internet-generated sales tax stuffs government coffers every tax season, the government sees no need to create a digital safety net to protect consumers from fraud, massive security hacks, or other cyber threats. The National Security Agency gets billions of dollars in new funding but politicians and civilians are being hacked daily.
Until more politicians are actively affected by data breaches, little legislation will move forward addressing this issue of cyber security. In theory politicians are supposed to care for their constituents, but nothing gets a problem solved more quickly than when politicians themselves are directly implicated. Take Germany for an example. Due to the massive data breach directly affecting politicians, you can bet that cyber security laws will be drafted and passed into law very quickly. That’s unfortunately the difference between having your house on fire, versus watching someone else’s house in flames. Politicians are starting to feel the heat, but they’re not yet entire convinced. At the end of the day, you’re left to fend for yourself in this free market economy.
Wiperts offers a service to remove personal information from the internet. Your personal information is quite valuable. German politicians had professional and personal information leaked out to the world. Watch their reactions on any video streaming platform and you’ll easily see how distressed they are. These are powerful and rich politicians and they’re extremely stressed out by having their personal information leaked. If you’re like most of us, you’re somewhere around middle-class and probably just trying to get through life – something like a data breach will definitely affect you much more than these heavily protected politicians.
When data like this is leaked, it might even be considered public information. When things are considered public information, then there’s an extremely high likelihood that this information will end up on data broker websites and/or traded on the dark web. Wiperts will work with you to remove your personal information from the internet before things get out of hand. You’re most likely not under intense scrutiny like public figures are, but you should still be aware that leaked information leads to identity theft and home invasions. Protect yourself today by contacting Wiperts and asking what can be done to keep your personal information clear of the internet.