How Long Can Data Leaks Affect You?
You should be angry at Facebook and Equifax for leaking so many gigabytes of data. This isn’t a small problem that goes away. It’ll last for a very long time. Personal information is static, isn’t it? It’s easy to remember and what we use to quickly verify who we say we are.
As apps implement more biometric security features, you can be sure that your biometric data can be stolen too one day. It’s the most personal type of personal information. If it can be boiled down to 0’s and 1’s, then it can be transmitted through the internet. It’s only a matter of time before hackers figure out how to steal it and convert it into usable forms. Just like your personal information, your biometrics are pretty hard to change.
Mega companies often mislead the public. They tout security and safety, while using a cheap chain link fence to protect our personal information stored within their servers. They can even protect themselves further by subcontracting their servers to someone else. These companies will simply say it was the subcontractors’ fault, and then switch over to the next lowest bidder. Maybe there’s a law that prohibits tech companies from outsourcing their data servers, but with how weak cyber security currently is, you should be doubtful.
Whenever the government settles fees and fines with these companies, there’s always a big benefit to the company for some reason. For example, even though Company XYZ has caused $10 billion in damage due to data breaches, they only have to pay $500 million to the government in a carefully crafted settlement. Most of that money never ends up in the hands of people like you and me.
Your best bet is to go with an unrelated third party. is dedicated to keeping your privacy even though mega data leaks occur monthly. Removing your name, address, and other sensitive personal data is what Wiperts does on a daily basis. The subscription model is far better than a one-time sweep of the internet because it keeps you protected for a longer period of time, constantly watching out for data that could be used fraudulently against you.
Whenever big corporations reach a settlement with the government, there’s always a big stock price increase. Why? Simply because investors think the fines are well worth the cost of doing dirty business. These companies basically pay a dollar in fines for every ten dollars they make by being insanely risky with consumer’s private information. There’s no moral hand to guide their greed, no laws that currently exist to truly reprimand them, and our politicians are too busy receiving campaign contributions to legislate comprehensive change. You need to defend yourself in these turbulent times.
Contact Wiperts today because identity fraud is no joke. Millions of dollars are stolen from hard working people like you and me every day. This kind of cybercrime isn’t even pursued by the criminal justice system, even though it’s plain as day to prove. Don’t count on the government to save your hide. They won’t even punish the big fish who let it happen in the first place. You’re better off trusting a reliable service like Wiperts to clean up the mess.