Identity Fraudsters Target Personal Information
Personal information is at the crux of all information technology
The laws regarding personal information protection online and technology itself have a wide gap in-between. This gap is a dangerous gap for everyday citizens like you and me. When we are exposed to cyber criminals, we don’t have piles of money available on-hand to ride out the storm. When identity fraud hits, it hits hard and fast. Fraudster start off small and slowly build a habit of fraudulent spending. This habit fools credit card companies into thinking that these are your new spending habits and you can casually bounce between two different states without obeying the laws of physics – fraudsters routinely cross state lines without anyone noticing anything amiss. With all the technology we have today, fraud should be more preventable, but with weak laws, cyber fraud is rampant around the world.
If you don’t believe identity fraud is real, ask ten people – friends, family, or even strangers – if they’ve personally experienced identity fraud or know someone who has. Everyone has had something stolen from them at one point in their life, but having your very name taken away from you and abused is on a deeply personal level. In olden times, one’s name was their reputation and honor. Your name still bears the same importance – successfully buying a new house, car, or applying for a new position all depends on your name and reputation. You don’t want a faulty bad credit report or criminal background check to stop you from achieving your goals in life.
Removing your personal information from search engines, social media, and random websites is a good way to protect yourself from identity fraud. There are millions of people exposed right now and if you don’t act right now, you might be the next victim. It’s much easier to target someone who is exposed, rather than someone who removes their personal information from the internet. The less personal information a criminal can find, the more likely you’ll be left alone. With a subscription service like Wiperts, any new information found online will be scrubbed away as soon as it is found. The thing with information in the digital age, is that it is easily reproduced. Faster than a copier, digital copies can be disseminated at the speed of light to thousands of computers at once. When your personal information is exposed online, it’s on the internet’s copier. Don’t let criminals copycat your good name and credit for nefarious crimes.
Mobile wallets and 5G
Smart phones are getting faster and with 5G on the way, criminals will be quicker and more mobile. Mobile wallets, though touted as unhackable, surely can be spoofed, tricked, and cracked by relentlessly motivated criminals. As soon as someone figures out to lie, cheat, and steal using mobile wallets, they’ll pass along their underhanded tricks to the highest bidder. Stealing mobile payment methods will surely be high priority in the upcoming years. Imagine someone accessing your e-wallet and transferring money to their burner account. The only way they can access your digital wallet is, you guessed it by now, your personal information.
Most passwords, PINs, and other security measures are based-on personal information. It’s easier to remember – which is why most websites recommend that you don’t use personal information in your passwords. But many people don’t listen. Unfortunately, criminals prey on our lazy habits and use this fact to their advantage. If an e-wallet is just as good as a real wallet, why not try to steal it? If the bank or credit card company denies your fraud claim, what will you do other than argue with them to exhaustion?
Be smart. Remove your personal information from the internet and secure your livelihood. You don’t want to find out that your e-wallet has been hacked because a criminal guessed your password using openly available personal information. Contact Wiperts and ask how we can help keep your identity and e-wallet secure in these fast-changing times.