How Your Digital Life can be Compromised
There are so many holes that our personal data leaks out of on the Internet that it’s difficult to keep track of them all. Social media, work websites, job boards, applications, email companies, and phone apps all track, save and sell our data. On top of that there are troll users who find personal information online from our social media posts and they gather that data, which is called harvesting, and use it for their own advantage. Free applications are simply free because the company makes more money selling your information than they would charging you to use their service. Facebook would not exist if they had decided to try a paid subscription plan. Few people would have paid a big fee to use Facebook. Instead, Facebook showed marketing and other companies how valuable all our data is to them. Now, companies get in line to get access to choice data that will help them sell a product, come up with an idea for a business, decide what trends are making money and which are not. All that information is being leaked to many companies and the government. Those companies can turn around and resell that data to more companies and soon a lot of your data is broadcasted online without your permission or knowledge. From trolls to our own ignorance about user agreements, our data is being used, watched, saved and sold.
Third party applications on Facebook, like Farmville, also gather your data, and not just your Farming habits either, these apps have access to all of your Facebook data too. This creates another hole for data to leak out of and onto the internet. If you use professional and work websites like LinkedIn, then your data is being stored, tracked and sold by them as well. These companies track and store everything we do on their sites. Each and every post and comment is tracked and saved. Our data is being sold and compromised at an alarming rate. Everything we thought was private, never was private. Even DMs (direct messages) are saved and read and sold. There are a few things you can do to confront this issue of compromised data. You can stop using social media for good. You can throw your computer in the garbage. You can only use apps for business and banking. You can decide to close your computer and phone for good and never go online—or—you can get your footprint cleaned up instead. Companies that have expertise in private data removal can not only help with what’s already out there about you, but they can also monitor the internet for more leaked data and get rid of it before anyone has a chance to see it or use it.
Using a private data removal company is the best way to get rid of the loads of leaked private data. The company Wiperts has this down to a science. They are seasoned experts at finding and removing information you don’t want shared online. They have a great monitoring service that will keep your information safe and private for six months and even up to a year. If you need further and longer protection, you can use the plan again. But they will help you become more anonymous online so that you’re not creating a situation that releases your data to the world. If you fear you’ve had a lot of data leaked, try Wiperts. They can help you with compromised data by cleaning up what’s there already and by keeping it off for years to come. Don’t throw out your computer and give up the internet, call Wipers first!