What’s the Big Deal if My Address is Online?
Many people are very upset when they find personal data online. Others don’t seem to care at all. Those that don’t care really don’t understand the serious potential for harm if personal information like home addresses, phone numbers, salary information and other data is easily found online. For one thing, regular thieves can use this information and one of your social accounts to keep track of when your home. Here is an example: say a thief sees online that you live at 33 Sycamore Lane, in Bumble Bee, New Happy, they have your first and last name, and your address. They do a few searches and get a little other personal information about you, maybe what you do for a living or what your hobbies are. They go to Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, or one of dozens of apps or sitesΒ and send a Friend/Contact/request with a fake identity. Since you have so many followers/friends/matches you don’t think much about them following you or asking to connect. Soon they are sending you DMs or IMs or private messages. They are cat fishing you. Maybe they are working with someone you actually know or maybe they are just fishing for more personal data like vacation plans, or who you live with, (are you married or single?). This information can be used to stalk you and find out ifΒ you are vulnerable to being robbed.
It is a sad state of our world that technology has brought us all closer together which is for the better, yet has divided us and created dangerous situations for many people as well. We have no choice but to be paranoid and very guarded with our information when it comes to strangers because the days of only sharing your home address over a landline telephone or in person with someone you’ve gotten to know and trust are way over and have been for a long time. Things will never go back to having total privacy and greater control over your personal information and how much you get to choose to share or not share. The internet isn’t nationwide either, it’s worldwide. There are good and bad people everywhere. Most people are good. And while the internet does leave us more vulnerable and does give us a false sense of intimacy, if we use common sense about sharing even more info like personal vacation plans, salary, bank account, social security info other highly sensitive data with people we are not totally sure of, we are actually quite safe as long as we don’t leave data like home addresses and phone numbers out on the internet. So, what can be done about the information that is already out there? You can contact an expert like Wiperts to work on it. They have expertise in removing personal information off the internet. They can help you get that data offline and give you back your privacy once and for all. They are the champions of personal privacy and they take your data very seriously. They have great customer service and many affordable plans to get and keep your private information off the internet.