Voting Machines Are Full of Personal Information
When you register to vote, your personal information is stored in various locations. Once that information is logged and saved, it’s out of your hands. You’ll find it impossible to check if various levels of government are handling your personal information correctly. Who will punish the government, when the government is at fault?
You can register to vote online or by using pen and paper – regardless of how you sign-up, your personal information will be digitalized in some shape or form in this modern tech era. Personal information is so valuable you can think of it as a big bag of money walking from California all the way to Washington D.C. But unlike an armored car transporting money, our personal information is basically walking on foot all the way across the country. It’s unprotected and can be attacked any time. Cyber criminals see our personal information casually strolling through cyberspace without enough protection. Their criminal instincts tell them to attack and steal our names, addresses, driver’s license numbers, and anything else that can be stolen.
Keep your personal information from being spread out on the internet due to malicious hackers. You don’t your personal information on the dark web or information brokers’ websites. Wiperts is a professional service dedicated to keeping your privacy intact. The less there is about you online, the better off you’ll be. Whatever information you choose to keep online will remain online however, just let Wiperts know ahead of time. Go ahead and contact Wiperts today to see how you can stop your information from leaking out.